Christian News Apps | Biblical Perspective
Access news apps providing current events and updates from a Christian perspective, keeping you informed with a biblical worldview.
tugo TV
tugo TV is a free TV service that prioritizes faith and family content, where you can watch TV shows, movies, documentaries, news, sports, and more.
CBN News
Get world breaking news from a Christian perspective with CBN News. Stay informed 24/7 with in-depth reporting, exclusive stories of faith, and live events.
ZipWave TV
ZipWave TV offers live streaming of news, family, and faith networks in the U.S. for low monthly fees, with no commitments. Starts at $10/month.
RELEVANT Magazine app: explore Christian lifestyle and culture. Covers music, movies, social issues, and faith.
The Pour Over
Get unbiased, Christ-centered news updates. Enjoy easy-to-understand daily summaries paired with brief Christian insights.
Babylon Bee
Explore the world’s top satire site, the Babylon Bee! Expect inerrant satire on Christian, political, and everyday life topics from a unique viewpoint.
WORLD News Group
Stay informed with WORLD's sound journalism and Biblical truth through magazines, articles, and podcasts. Access all content in one convenient app.
Charisma News
Charisma News: Trusted source for 24/7 breaking news and insights from a Spirit-filled perspective since 1975. Get the latest Christian news delivered in every digital format.
The Christian Post
Get updated Christian news from The Christian Post app. It offers national, international news, commentaries, articles, podcasts, videos and more, tailored for Christians.
Christianity Today
Christianity Today offers biblical perspectives on theology, church, ministry, and culture via the official site of its magazine.
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