About faith.tools

March 22 • Written by Cameron Pak


What is faith.tools?

faith.tools is the best place to find apps for Christians. Our focus is about equipping God's people to have the right tools they need to best live out the Great Commission.

Why was faith.tools created? What's the story behind it?

In this interview with Creator Supply, Cam talks about the story of faith.tools.

Creator Supply Interview

👉 See the full story on Creator.Supply

What do I mean by "best" or "top" Chrisitan apps?

What I don't mean is to demean any apps or app makers. And to be frankly honest, "best" or "top" are very subjective terms that are hard to prove. So, I have selection criteria to help curate apps that are beneficial for Christians and their walk with God and community and are up to date and maintained. "Best" or "top" christian apps is honestly a keyword to help people discover faith.tools on Google or other search engines.

faith.tools is all about unity amongst Christian creators. It's about uniting Christian developers and designers to collaborate and build something together. It's about showing the world the love and work of the Christian creatives in tech. While the keywords "best" and "top" may confuse a few, using those words will help reach many Christians and unreached people to discover apps that can help them grow in their walks with God and community.

What's the criteria for submission?

Here is the criteria for app and tool submission.

I get what an app is, but what classifies as a tool?

In theory, almost all apps are tools to get a job done. What I mean by tool is something that's not on the App Store or Google Play store but is a digital product or service helpful towards equipping Christians and advancing the Kingdom of God. Think of tools like Tether for discipleship and VidAngel for video streaming content filtering on your favorite shows. A tool can also be a physical product like the Techless WisePhone II, which helps protect Christians from distractions and temptations modern smartphones afford.

Awesome. I see apps and tools, but what about the Christian creators?

I'm praying and asking the Lord what the next best step is for Christian community in tech using faith.tools. Is it highlighting creators stories? Is it creating a public directory of Christian creatives in tech? Is it creating a forum or Discord for them to connect?

You see. There are ministries doing things like that. I don't want to re-create the wheel.

Please join me in prayer for how to best facilitate Christian community in tech through faith.tools. Email me what you think or have heard from the Lord!

Who created faith.tools?

Cameron Pak

Questions? Email me

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