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Bible Portal

Bible Portal

Bible Portal is a digitally accessible Bible ‘portal’ for all people. We promote Bible literacy and spiritual growth through free online Bibles, effective study tools and fresh, engaging content.

Best for your daily bible reading & study.


- Your Everyday Bible Study App

- Bible versions in English, Spanish, Chinese and more, including King James Version (KJV), New International Version (NIV), English Standard Version (ESV), American Standard Version (ASV), Reina Valera Antigua (RVA), Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI), Nova Versão Internacional (NVIPT), 和合本, etc.

- Bible Commentaries: More than 50 classical bible commentaries from authors Matthew Henry, John Calvin, Adam Clarke, Scofield, Charles Spurgeon, Darby, John Gill, John Wesley, and more, best for your daily bible study.

- Free access to bible concordances, dictionaries, and encyclopedias.

- Daily Devotionals: Over 10 classical daily devotionals from Charles Spurgeon, A.W. Tozer, T. Austin-Sparks, Samuel Bagster, Miles Stanford, Russell Miller, George Bowen, and more.

- Bible Verse Images: Over 10,000 bible verses on various topics, presented as beautiful Bible verse images, free share and download

- Bible Verse of the Day

Keep visiting Bible Portal as we add more features.

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