d365 Daily Devotionals is the free mobile version of the online daily devotional experience read by millions of people. Since 2001, d365.org has provided relevant reflections for students on themes that impact their faith journey. With this app you can: Read daily devotionals, Listen to original d365 music, Set an alarm to remind you of your devotional each day, and Read past devotionals in the archive. The d365 daily devotional site is produced by Passport, Inc. d365 is made possible through individual gifts and the support of three denominational sponsors: Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Presbyterian Church (USA), and the Episcopal Church. If you have found this app useful in your spiritual walk, please consider a gift so that this ministry may continue growing to reach others in the name of Jesus.
By installing or using d365, you are subject to their Terms of Use and/or Privacy Policy. Own this app? Request a change for this page.
Prayer Library lets you find prayers and Bible verses by emotion, request additions, and set daily reminders. Discover over 125 prayers. Icons by Icons8.
PrayerMate app aids you to pray consistently for loved ones & causes, organizing your prayer life and providing guidance on what to pray for.
Connect with God amid your busy day with the One Minute Pause App by John Eldredge, based on his book 'Get Your Life Back' and 'Resilient' program.
Join Promise Keepers, a social platform utilizing gamification for your personal walk with Christ. Meet like-minded community, strengthen your integrity & leadership.
This app auto-generates daily services including Psalms, Bible lessons, seasonal variations, and collects for a simplified, user-friendly prayer experience.
Abide, a Christian meditation app, offers morning prayers, devotionals, and Bible verse meditations for restful sleep, guiding users in God's Word and biblical truth.
Explore 6 different spiritual practices in 5-minute sessions with this app. Features include Lectio Divina, Imaginative prayer, Visio Divina, Scripture reading, Audio Divina, and timed silence.
Stream worship music, request prayers, access exclusive content, and listen on various devices with Air1's mobile app for iOS and Android. Download now!
Experience everyday spirituality with Christian Meditation & Daily Prayers app. Live a good life through daily prayers.
LECTIO FOR FAMILIES offers 5-10 minute daily devotionals for families with kids aged 7-11, including Bible verses, reflections, discussion questions, and prayer prompts.
Unceasing Worship: Monthly subscription with access to a growing library of live spontaneous worship from IHOPKC and other Christian artists. Create playlists, download songs, and stream live.
Practice mindfulness and stress reduction using guided biblical reflections and meditations with this app. Enjoy relaxing music, learn meditation basics, and engage in contemplative prayer. Meditations are dedicated to reflections on Jesus, fostering closeness with God. Available for streaming or download.
Every Moment Holy presents new liturgies for the ordinary events of daily life, taken from the best-selling books, Every Moment Holy Vol. 1 and Every Moment Holy Vol. 2: Death, Grief, and Hope. Liturgies within the app are grouped in small sets according to purpose. These prayers are ways of reminding us that our lives are shot through with the sacred purpose even when, especially when, we are too busy or too caught up in our busyness to notice.\ The app’s unique sharing features allows the user to highlight favorites and share portions of liturgies on social media channels as well sharing full liturgies via a link system so that the prayers can be read together with others who do not own the book or app.
Join 50,000 prayer partners in the Change The Map app to pray for Buddhists, learn about their faith, and engage in global prayer challenges.
Help kids sleep peacefully with personalized, Scripture-based audio prayers featuring their name and soothing music. Download Instill for a serene, faith-filled bedtime.
Lectio 365 is a free daily devotional app that helps you connect with God through prayer and scripture meditation morning and night. Join 280,000+ users today!
My Prayer Room app lets you create, manage, and track prayer requests in 22 languages. Focus on one prayer at a time and enhance your spiritual journey.
Connect and grow spiritually with Prayer Partner, a platform for sharing requests and engaging in community or personal prayer practices.
Pray As You Go provides daily prayer sessions wherever you are, assisting you in praying especially during commutes to work or study.
Discover peace through Biblical meditation and mindfulness. Customizable sessions for joy, gratitude, and stress relief. Live From Rest app for a better way of being.
Pray First app offers guided prayer plans, worship songs, and personalized prayer lists in English, Spanish, and Swahili. Free for individuals and churches on iOS and Android.
Unite in global prayer with the World Prayer App. Access daily requests, cultural insights, and country profiles to deepen your impact and share Jesus' love.
Experience tranquility with The Quiet Collection, an audio resource for spiritual formation by bestselling author Emily P. Freeman. Combines ancient prayers, original content, and reflective piano music to ease anxiety. Suitable for all faith backgrounds. Text and audio options available.
Find God’s peace with the Encountering Peace app, offering 300+ hours of guided biblical meditations. Features search by theme, daily additions, and a private journal. Free to use.
Receive gentle prayer reminders to enhance your prayer life, restore focus on the present, and deepen your connection with God daily.
Want to use all of the Tithely tools? This is the plan for you. Church Management, Events, Church App, Sites, Messaging, and Online Giving (Including Text Giving which is normally $19/mo) bundled into a value packed plan at an unbeatable price!