d365 Daily Devotionals is the free mobile version of the online daily devotional experience read by millions of people. Since 2001, d365.org has provided relevant reflections for students on themes that impact their faith journey. With this app you can: Read daily devotionals, Listen to original d365 music, Set an alarm to remind you of your devotional each day, and Read past devotionals in the archive. The d365 daily devotional site is produced by Passport, Inc. d365 is made possible through individual gifts and the support of three denominational sponsors: Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Presbyterian Church (USA), and the Episcopal Church. If you have found this app useful in your spiritual walk, please consider a gift so that this ministry may continue growing to reach others in the name of Jesus.
By installing or using d365, you are subject to their Terms of Use and/or Privacy Policy. Own this app? Request a change for this page.
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Hope Mindfulness & Prayer app combines Mindfulness meditation with Christian Scriptures. It features free guided meditations for sleep, stress relief and daily devotion. A portion of subscription benefits go to The Bible Project.
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Download the Gideon Bible App for on-the-go access to Scripture. Experience daily readings and let God's Word enrich your life.
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Parabible: A transformative tool for in-depth Bible study in original languages, featuring sophisticated, morphological data-based search functionality.
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Church-focused app offering digital tools, ministry partnerships, data and strategy consulting to nurture resilient disciples and fuel faith.
Music Stand app helps musicians annotate sheet music and step through it with a foot pedal for optimal performance.
The Bible Memory App helps users memorize verses through audio, visual, and touch techniques. Features include verse recorders, flashcards, heat maps, reminders, and syncing across devices.
Engage with scripture through spoken word poetry and hip-hop beats on the Streetlights Bible app. Deepen your connection to the Word of God. Get it on the App Store and Google Play.
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