d365 Daily Devotionals is the free mobile version of the online daily devotional experience read by millions of people. Since 2001, d365.org has provided relevant reflections for students on themes that impact their faith journey. With this app you can: Read daily devotionals, Listen to original d365 music, Set an alarm to remind you of your devotional each day, and Read past devotionals in the archive. The d365 daily devotional site is produced by Passport, Inc. d365 is made possible through individual gifts and the support of three denominational sponsors: Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Presbyterian Church (USA), and the Episcopal Church. If you have found this app useful in your spiritual walk, please consider a gift so that this ministry may continue growing to reach others in the name of Jesus.
By installing or using d365, you are subject to their Terms of Use and/or Privacy Policy. Own this app? Request a change for this page.
App provides engaging ready-to-use worship visuals, slide templates, backgrounds & social graphics.
Unlock your family's unique identity with the Family ID Assessment app.
Access the most popular Christian videos from Godtube.com on your phone! Enjoy daily devotionals, ministry and worship videos, and handpicked inspiring content. Share favourite videos, browse categories, and maintain family-friendly entertainment.
Receive gentle prayer reminders to enhance your prayer life, restore focus on the present, and deepen your connection with God daily.
Hallow is a Christian prayer app offering 10,000+ audio-guided sessions, daily prayers, devotionals, bible stories, and meditations to enhance your spiritual journey.
Join the Journey offers daily Bible reading plans, podcasts, devotionals and discussions to deepen your love for God, connect with a spiritual community anytime, anywhere.
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Share the message of Jesus effectively with GodTools. Use interactive tools in various languages to start spiritual conversations. Download for free now!
Discover peace through Biblical meditation and mindfulness. Customizable sessions for joy, gratitude, and stress relief. Live From Rest app for a better way of being.
Altar Live simplifies online church services & group events, enhancing connectivity. Replace Zoom with one comprehensive account.
Enhance your spiritual journey with the Churchome app! Access Daily Guided Prayers, Weekly Services, Pastor Chats and monthly experiences as well as faith-building content for kids.
Read and understand the entire Bible with TTW app's daily plans, audio guides for each chapter, fostering a consistent Bible reading habit.
Join us today, connect with a massive community of Christian singles online. Love is Patient, Kind and Here.
Connect with women studying God's Word. Enjoy Bible study enhancements, new additions regularly. Perfect for individual or group studies, offering flexibility and support.
Explore the Bible with The Concise Bible, a user-friendly guide curating powerful Biblical moments to unveil its central theme - Jesus Christ as Creator, Redeemer, Judge, and King.
Engage, disciple & establish groups with podcasts, videos & other resources to be part of the Disciple Making Movement. Know & follow Jesus together.
Redeem TV offers ad-free, donor-supported streaming of Christian media including dramas, documentaries, animations, and Bible studies, with new titles added weekly.
Boost your impact, save time with the world's biggest video-streaming library of Biblical resources.
Elevate presentations with FreeShow, a dynamic, user-friendly, open-source tool. An ideal alternative to Pro Presenter.
Angel Studios produces & distributes Christian-themed media, including the series "The Chosen". A faith-based company that supports family-friendly entertainment since 2019.
AI tools for churches. Streamlines sermon preparation, discipleship planning, communication and video editing tasks.
Discipls, a social media scheduling tool for churches, uses AI for personalized content, integrates with calendars, and offers sermon clipping service.
Ai Pin: Wearable, screen-free, and app-free device that helps with calls, messages, answers, photos, notes, and more using Ai assistants, ensuring privacy and ease.
Stream your way to a stronger body, mind, and soul with Canon+. Enjoy thousands of hours of Christian audiobooks, entertainment and education, perfect for family time. Designed to facilitate Kingdom culture at home, church, or public spaces.
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