Unlimited stock media for faith-based creatives. Lightstock’s faith-based library is unmatched—and it’s unlimited, too. Unlock our huge library of photos, 4K footage, and design assets for as little as $19/month.
What's so great about Lightstock?
We now offer unlimited memberships!
Our free trial offers a handful of downloads that you get to pick—from anything in our library.
We have a huge library of quality stock, curated specifically for Christian creatives.
We’re a marketplace of thousands of contributors that cover a wide range of styles.
Safe search: no sifting through NSFW sketchiness to find what you need.
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AI-powered app, Sermon Shots, creates viral sermon clips in minutes for unique church audiences, aiding churches to reach more people.
Church Canvas is an AI design tool for church leaders, simplifying custom visual creation to help you focus on ministry. Save time, enhance your impact.
Free Church Text Messaging app, ensuring 98% open rate for better connection with your congregation and community.
Igniter offers 300,000+ creative church media assets from 30+ curated creators, trusted by thousands of churches for unique, fresh content.
Join Kingdom Training for high-quality, biblically based online courses & tools that empower Christians to deepen faith, impact communities & advance God's Kingdom.
Discipls, a social media scheduling tool for churches, uses AI for personalized content, integrates with calendars, and offers sermon clipping service.
AI tools for churches. Streamlines sermon preparation, discipleship planning, communication and video editing tasks.
Cowntdown is a customizable, auto-resetting countdown widget for church live streams. Easily create and embed countdowns for all your services, driving traffic and views.
Get unlimited graphic design, video, branding, web services & more for your church with this app.
Omega by Ministry Designs: a top church website solution aiding thousands globally to engage members and reach more people.
Strengthen your community and grow your congregation by sharing announcements and prayer requests instantly via your personal number.
App provides engaging ready-to-use worship visuals, slide templates, backgrounds & social graphics.
Access 80,000+ free church visuals: Sermon Bundles, Motion Backgrounds, Graphics, Videos, Timers. New assets added weekly, no subscription or card required.
Create and share modern digital church bulletins to expand your church's reach and keep the community connected.
Unlock wisdom with TAPOS, an AI-powered loom that curates personalized insights from your church's teachings, fostering spiritual growth and knowledge.
Cathopic offers thousands of royalty-free Catholic images and videos for effective visual storytelling, empowering users to inspire and evangelize.
Lome, a digital platform offering shared calendars, sign-up forms, and community boards, aids in organizing & connecting communities like schools and churches.
ChurchSocial.Media helps churches take the step forward with social by having a library of ready made reels for sharing on their accounts. With 50 new reels added each month, from Bible Verses, Quotes, Invites, and more. Unlimited Access to the growing library is $15 a month.
#1 church text software leading more to faith. Makes your spiritual community feel recognized and loved.
"Kit helps Christian creatives stay updated on faith & tech, sharing progress and gathering feedback while building in public. Join our beta today!"
Boost your Church's social media engagement with Social Bucket! Get monthly graphics, compelling copy, strategic content & useful training for improved online interaction.
Want to use all of the Tithely tools? This is the plan for you. Church Management, Events, Church App, Sites, Messaging, and Online Giving (Including Text Giving which is normally $19/mo) bundled into a value packed plan at an unbeatable price!