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In thirty Discovery Bible Studies (DBS) the Discover App enables you to start or run groups which enable people to discover the Holy Bible for themselves. Start with creation, explore the message of the prophets and go on to the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

Discovery Bible Studies help ask simple questions about the actual text. Questions which are easily remembered and easily applied - but are surprisingly powerful in enabling you to understand God's word for your life. A great start to learn more about Isa-e Masih and the Christian faith. It is best used in a group context.

• Available in English, Arabic, Somali, Dari, Pashto, Turkish and Indonesian
• 28 study creation to Christ Fusha Arabic series
• Text and Audio available for all DBS studies
• Download facility allows text and audio to be used offline
• Bluetooth sharing allows both the app and the DBS studies to be passed on easily

A Discovery Bible Study (DBS) app which allows users to explore the Bible for themselves. Ideal for catalysing Disciple Making Movements (DMM) in remote contexts.

If you are looking to a launch Discovery Bible Study groups, find a DBS lesson set, train leaders or run DBS groups in areas with poor literacy, the Discover App is an invaluable tool.

By installing or using Discover, you are subject to their Terms of Use and/or Privacy Policy. Own this app? Request a change for this page.

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