Pray the complete services of Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, Compline, Family Prayer and much more.
Immerse yourself in the life-giving rhythms of the beautiful Book of Common Prayer (BCP), now available as a free mobile app.
‘The words of the Book of Common Prayer have a rare capacity not only to sink into the memory through their rhythms but to calm the very pace of our thoughts. They are words that help us to be open and still, to recognise with sober humility the greatness of what confronts us in the mysteries of our redemption’ (Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury).
The app automatically generates the full services for every day of the year, including the Psalms, Bible lessons, seasonal variations and collects. Simplified and streamlined for a user-friendly experience. Just press Pray!
Find the complete services for:
• Morning Prayer
• Prayers at Mid-Day
• Evening Prayer
• The Litany and Supplication
• Antecommunion
• Compline
• Family Prayers for Morning and Evening
The app allows you to:
• Access services for any day of the year and future years.
• Choose between three Bible versions (KJV, ESV and NRSV). Provides the full readings without the need to switch to a separate Bible app.
• Add your choice of ‘Prayers and Thanksgivings Upon Several Occasions’.
• Access the complete Coverdale Psalter of the 1962 Canadian BCP.
• Adjust the font and display.
Other features include:
• Default liturgical settings for beginners and advanced customization preferences for experienced users.
• Clear and classic typesetting that resembles the printed page of the BCP.
• Audio podcast.
• Notes page.
• Night reading mode.
• Reminder notifications.
• Glossary of unfamiliar terms.
• Instructions to transition from using the app to praying with a Prayer Book and Bible.
‘The Book of Common Prayer is a priceless possession of our Church. By its intrinsic merits, as a book designed for the reverent and seemly worship of Almighty God, it has endeared itself to generation after generation of devout Christians throughout the world’ (Preface, vii).
The Common Prayer Canada app, brought to you by the Prayer Book Society of Canada (PBSC), introduces the 1962 Canadian Book of Common Prayer to a new generation.
The PBSC offers this free resource with ‘the hope that those who use it may become more truly what they already are: the People of God, that New Creation in Christ which finds its joy in adoration of the Creator and Redeemer of all’ (Preface, vii).
ASSIST us mercifully, O Lord, in these our supplications and prayers, and dispose the way of thy servants towards the attainment of everlasting salvation; that, among all the changes and chances of this mortal life, they may ever be defended by thy most gracious and ready help; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
(The Collect for the Rogation Days)
By installing or using Common Prayer Canada, you are subject to their Terms of Use and/or Privacy Policy. Own this app? Request a change for this page.
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