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Freedom Stack - Full-stack Web App Starter Kit

Freedom Stack - Full-stack Web App Starter Kit

Get Freedom Stack - Full-stack Web App Starter Kit

Freedom Stack is a full-stack boilerplate designed to simplify web development by integrating various tools and frameworks. It emphasizes an HTML-first approach, aiming to make development approachable, efficient, and cost-effective.

Key Components:

  • UI Layer:

    • Astro: A straightforward web meta-framework.
    • Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for styling.
    • Preline UI and Daisy UI: Tailwind-based component libraries.
    • Lucide Icons: A versatile icon library.
  • Interactivity Layer:

    • TypeScript: Ensures type safety.
    • AlpineJS: Manages state and interactivity.
    • HTMX: Facilitates HTML partials/snippets over the wire.
  • Backend Data Layer:

    • Astro DB: A managed SQL database that's fast and easy to use.
    • Drizzle ORM: Simplifies database interactions without requiring SQL syntax knowledge.
    • Clerk: Provides authentication services.

Vision and Principles:

The project aspires to offer a lightweight, intuitive web development stack that minimizes maintenance and server costs. Its core principles include:

  • Approachability: Designed for developers of all levels, emphasizing intuitive database management and reducing boilerplate code.
  • Flow: Promotes an HTML-first methodology, focusing on the DOM layer for styling, structuring, and interactivity.
  • Affordability: Aims to be financially sustainable, especially for indie developers and startups, by leveraging tools with generous free tiers.

By installing or using Freedom Stack - Full-stack Web App Starter Kit, you are subject to their Terms of Use and/or Privacy Policy. Own this app? Request a change for this page.

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